For sale

For sale at Artfire. I’ve had the Artfire account for quite some time as an alternative to my Etsy shop, but I haven’t used it until now. I’ve just become accustomed to posting on Etsy and comfortable with it’s interface. So this piece, “Cherubino”, will be the inaugural offering on Artfire. We’ll see how it goes. I haven’t figured out all the bells and whistles on Artfire yet (in fact, I noticed grammatical errors in some of the text in the listing and couldn’t figure out how to go back in and edit it!) but transactions should work fine.

By the way, you might notice that this face is very much like the one I have set as the background. I never do two masks exactly the same, but I do on occasion return to old designs and update or enhance them. Cherubino and the green mask in the background are both based on a model I made many years ago – in fact, one of my very earliest designs. I’ve figured out a lot since then, at least as far as my repertoire of tricks and techniques is concerned. I made some technical corrections to the design, but I think esthetically, it was already one of my most successful pieces from the beginning.

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