Talos and Rufus on Zibbet

Two new masks available:


click on image to go to Zibbet

click on image to go to Zibbet

Rufus Redbeard

click on image to go to Zibbet

click on image to go to Zibbet

5 thoughts on “Talos and Rufus on Zibbet

  1. I am hereby challenging you to make a mask out of a square grid instead of a hexagon grid, just to make it easier for me to reverse engineer it. It probably won’t be as cool and interesting, but at least I will be able to figure out easier how to transfer those techniques to a hex grid, if you decide to take the challenge of doing such an amazing feat.

    The Rules: You are NOT allowed to “cheat” (kind of) by using the Goran Konjevod method of making a mask. You are, however, allowed to invent your own tehniques. If you do accept the challenge, then PLEASE hurry!

    Have a great life!

    P.S.: Eric Joisel’s method is off limits, too.


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